I want to encourage us to start praying about the 2018 elections. Our prayers of faith
bring the hand of God to bear on things we ask Him for. He is greatly interested in who
is in office for He calls our leaders ministers of God and says the power they have is
ordained by Him (Rom. 13:1-4). We must take our place in these elections by praying,
by asking Him for wisdom on how to vote, getting involved with helping a candidate if
He directs and then by voting for the people He reveals to us. He holds each of us
responsible for these things and when we obey, the outcome of every election will be
according to the will of God. One minister said that our vote is our seed. Plant your
seed wisely and watch what God can and will do.
Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus concerning the 2018 elections. We
pray for all levels of positions, national-state-local, and all the positions that will be
appointed by the people elected. We know that You choose people for positions even
before they have been born. Even now You are preparing, equipping and anointing
Your choices for leaders. These may be people whom natural man would not consider
qualified, but Your choosing them qualifies them. We are asking for godly, humble men
and women who will seek Your face to get Your plan and then will obey what they hear
from You.
Grant Your chosen ones boldness to speak only the words that You put in their
mouths. May they not be afraid of the faces of the people as they speak the truth in
love. Grant them Your wisdom and may they operate with the mind of Christ. Give them
platforms in which to declare the truth and give them resilient spirits. We declare no one
will be able to silence the truth that comes from their mouths. May their light and
anointing from You be evident to all. Once they are elected, we believe You will provide
them with whatever is needed to fulfill Your plan of an awakening to God in this nation,
in our state, and in our local regions.
We ask You to give the voters wisdom and discernment about who to vote for. We
believe as we seek Your face, You will make this clear to everyone. We pray that all
who are eligible will register to vote and then will exercise their God-given right.
Now, Father, we know that many times people don’t really know what candidates
stand for and they may vote solely based on personal interests or because their party
says to vote a certain way. Soften the electorate’s hearts to desire righteous leaders.
Help them to see that You are the source of everything we need and that man or
government cannot fulfill that role.
We are asking that Your perfect plan will be done in these elections as it is done in
heaven. We are also praying this prayer for any interim filling of positions before the
2018 elections.
Right now we also use our God-given authority to bind the devil and his cohorts over
these elections. In the name of Jesus, we declare to you devil that we will not permit
any voter fraud in these upcoming elections. Lord, reveal the hidden things for only You
know the heart of a man. We command the angels to go and assure any attempts to
manipulate the election are brought to naught.
We ask that the truth about the candidates will be evident to every voter. Help no
one to be dumbed down by false reporting and deceptions put forth by the enemy. For
media personnel that try to put a biased spin that is meant to deceive the voters, we
declare their voices are silenced. Give Your leaders a strong, loud voice and platform to
broadcast the truth. May righteous candidates shine as a light on a hill. We declare the
enemy will not be able to suppress or twist the truth that goes forth from your chosen
ones. We plead the blood over the candidates and ask for their protection. Thank You
Father for the wisdom and for the leaders You are giving us in these upcoming
Pray in the Spirit about these things. Take the time to research the candidates. If you
start early, there is plenty of time to do this. Check out their websites and if something
is unclear, many times you can email the candidates with your questions. Compare
their stance on issues with what the Word of God (Truth) says. If there is an incumbent,
check out their voting record. I highly suggest you limit the amount of news from
obviously biased sources. Water your faith prayers by declaring “Your will be done in
these elections, even as it is in heaven.” I believe as we do these things, we will have
leaders in place who will give honor to God and who will do all His will. And we will lead
quiet and peaceable lives which will further the gospel and result in people being saved!
(I Tim. 2:1-4)