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day 1

Consecrate a Fast

Ezra called a fast!


Ezra 8:21 (NLT) - And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God.  We prayed that He would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled. 


What was happening was that Ezra was in the process of leading a second group of Israelites out of Babylonian captivity and back to their land in Israel.  The book of Ezra describes their struggle to survive, to rebuild the destroyed temple, to learn to work together again after being exiled out of their land and not see themselves as slaves any longer.  Most importantly, to find their faith again in their God.  Today, we Americans are finding our Nation naturally being held captive by a virus.  The truth is that Jesus came to lead the captives out of bondage, sin and death to freedom!   It is time for Christians to fast, pray and let the Holy Spirit lead us into God’s truth that MAKES us free! We declare freedom and victory!!


Prayer of Cleansing and Dedication

Dear God in Heaven, today as I fast and pray, I examine my heart and confess my sins.  (Speak to God about any specific things in your life that you know are wrong).  Lord, I am truly sorry for these actions and I choose to turn away from these things.  I ask that the blood of Jesus cleanse me from these sins and I ask for your help to put these actions behind me.  I receive help from the Holy Spirit to have the strength to overcome these sins and not repeat them and now, walk uprightly before you.  Help me to draw closer to you and may my conversations and actions today and everyday glorify you!  Thank you, Father that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! Amen.


Scriptures to Read

Psalm 32:5

II Corinthians 5:21

Ezra 9:5-8


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