change me fast
April 1 - April 16
Praise God we are the head and NOT the tail! WE celebrate Easter and come to church because we love Jesus! We choose to remember God’s resurrection power demonstrated to us when Jesus arose from the dead! Jesus defeated sin and death at the cross. HALLELUJAH!! As for us and our household, we ARE serving the LORD!
As we celebrate this season, we are encouraging every household to “Fast” between now and Easter and set aside some special time to draw close to God and be thankful for our salvation. Here are some tools to help each of us do this and something we can all do together as the household of faith at RCC.
Join RCC’s corporate time of fasting to ‘Change Me’ from April 1 - April 16. You can ‘fast’ things like a dessert, a meal or maybe an activity you do on a regular basis that you enjoy like a favorite TV show. These are just a few ideas. The important part is not just going without, but spending time with God by reading His Word, praising Him or just being quiet before Him, thinking or meditating on HIM!